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Comment s'habiller à Noël en allaitant

How to dress for Christmas while breastfeeding

When you're breastfeeding your baby, it can be difficult to know how to dress. It is important to keep in mind to be as comfortable as possible. If you don't...

How to dress for Christmas while breastfeeding

When you're breastfeeding your baby, it can be difficult to know how to dress. It is important to keep in mind to be as comfortable as possible. If you don't...

Allaitement : 8 astuces pour prévenir et soigner les crevasses

Breastfeeding: 8 tips to prevent and treat cracks

Cracks are unfortunately one of the most common breastfeeding pains and conditions. However, they can be resolved easily thanks to a few tips that we will share with you here.

Breastfeeding: 8 tips to prevent and treat cracks

Cracks are unfortunately one of the most common breastfeeding pains and conditions. However, they can be resolved easily thanks to a few tips that we will share with you here.

Allaitement et reprise du travail : tous les conseils !

Breastfeeding and returning to work: all the ad...

Did you know that it was entirely possible to continue breastfeeding after returning to work ? You just need to follow a few very simple rules: we tell you everything...

Breastfeeding and returning to work: all the ad...

Did you know that it was entirely possible to continue breastfeeding after returning to work ? You just need to follow a few very simple rules: we tell you everything...

L'alimentation pendant l'allaitement

Nutrition during breastfeeding

Discover our food guide during breastfeeding: foods to favor, to avoid, prohibited foods, galactogenic foods...

Nutrition during breastfeeding

Discover our food guide during breastfeeding: foods to favor, to avoid, prohibited foods, galactogenic foods...

Allaitement et alcool : conseils pour allaiter sereinement pendant les fêtes !

Breastfeeding and alcohol: tips for breastfeedi...

Are you breastfeeding your baby and wondering if you can drink alcohol during the holidays ? We answer you in this article, giving you other little tips for having stylish...

Breastfeeding and alcohol: tips for breastfeedi...

Are you breastfeeding your baby and wondering if you can drink alcohol during the holidays ? We answer you in this article, giving you other little tips for having stylish...

DIY : recette magique pour créer vous-mêmes vos savons de lait maternel !

DIY: magical recipe to create your own breast m...

Today we offer you a simple and quick recipe , in 5 steps, to make breast milk soaps .

DIY: magical recipe to create your own breast m...

Today we offer you a simple and quick recipe , in 5 steps, to make breast milk soaps .